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Discover the Best Summer Camp in Pembroke Pines


Summer Camp Pembroke Pines is an exciting opportunity for kids to embrace the joys of summer. At our camp, we aim to offer a diverse range of enjoyable challenges tailored to your child's interests, ensuring they have a blast while learning new skills.

Our programs cater to children from around the globe, each with unique personalities and talents. Activities are designed to suit different age groups, fostering individuality and encouraging natural curiosity. 

Our experienced year-round faculty and energetic college student staff are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment where children can explore, learn, and make unforgettable memories.

Summer Curriculum

Week 1 - Discovering Nature:

The parts of a plant, the four elements for plant growth (soil, sun, water, seeds), planting seeds, watering, watching how roots grow, watching lima beans grow, nature walks, collect leaves, seasons & senses

Week 2 - Exploring Insects:

Butterfly garden,watching butterflies change, ant farm, lady bug farm, underground animals, nature walks, collecting rocks, and more.

Week 3 - Exploring Wild Animals:

elephants, tigers, monkeys, lions, and more; the sounds they make, foods they eat, where they live, characteristics, zoo presentation or traveling petting zoo (if available the children will pet and feed the animals)

Week 4 - Exploring Dinosaurs:

make model dinosaurs, learn about the different types of dinosaurs, foods they ate, where they lived, why they became extinct, and what they left behind.

Week 5 - Exploring Sea Animals:

build classroom aquarium, feed and maintain: fish, hermit crab, miniature turtles, sea life, shells, sponges, and more 

Week 6 Exploring Space:

learn about the different planets & stars, the sun, make their own solar system model, and build a rocket.

Week 7 - Exploring Science & Art:

problem solving, critical thinking, making predictions, forming a hypothesis, observe changes, using their senses, making a volcano, nature of gases, sink or float, weather, magnetic art, tie dying, arts, and crafts. 

Week 8 - Exploring the Kitchen:

Children will prepare snacks, manipulate the ingredients, follow recipe, experience cooking, and enjoy eating their own creations.

Week 9 - Exploring Cultures:

Countries, culture, songs, stories, dances, games, music, heritage day, dress-up, bring a dish to share, pictures to show, create a passport, and more

Summer Camp in Pembroke Pines

Summer camp Pembroke Pines, FL 33025


Field Trip Destinations

  • Metro Zoo

  • Science Center

  • Discovery Science Museum

  • Water Parks

  • Chuck E. Cheese

  • Monkey Joe's

  • Flamingo Garden

  • State Parks

  • Movie Theater

  • Miami Seaquarium

  • Dave & Buster's

  • Ice Skating

  • Jungle Island

* There are a minimum of (2) field trips per week at no additional cost.

* Field trip locations may vary.

Water Day Guidelines and Requirements

Every Friday (weather permitting) is water day!  In order to participate each Friday: 


-Children must arrive with their bathing suits or trunks on already
-Children must wear water shoes for safety outside on water days
-Those children who are not potty trained must wear a water diaper
-A towel and an extra change of dry clothes must be sent
-Sun block and a sippy cup for drinking water are recommended


EVERTHING MUST BE LABELED WITH CHILD’S NAME as well as a big bag to carry wet items back home! 

FAQs on Nowtech Academy's Summer Camp in  Pembroke Pines


1. What age groups does Nowtech Academy's Summer Camp in Pembroke Pines accommodate?

Ans: Our summer camp welcomes children from a range of ages, typically between 5 to 12 years old.

2. What is the staff-to-child ratio at the summer camp?

Ans: We maintain a staff-to-child ratio of 1:8, ensuring personalized attention and supervision for each child.

3. What licenses does Nowtech Academy of Pembroke Pines hold?

AnsNowtech Academy of Pembroke Pines is a licensed child care center, adhering to state regulations. In most states, a single license suffices for each facility, although some may necessitate multiple licenses based on age groups served. Badge: License C17BO0824.

4. How are activities tailored to different age groups?

Ans: Our activities are designed to be age-appropriate, with specific programs and challenges suitable for various age ranges.

5. Are meals provided during the camp?

Ans: Yes, we offer daily breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all campers.Yes, we offer daily breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all campers.

6. How can I enroll my child in the Summer Camp Pembroke Pines program?

Ans: To enroll your child in our Summer Camp Pembroke Pines program, please visit here or call us at (954) 589-1530 for registration details and deadlines.

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